Tor Njamo

Tor Njamo

Explore Inner Peace and Clarity with Tor

Tarot Reading, Meditation, Energy Healing

  • Journey into a realm of inner calm and clarity, guided by Tor's distinctive blend of tarot reading, meditation, and hands-on energy healing.

  • Experience a transformation that goes beyond relaxation, diving into self-discovery and a greater sense of clarity.

  • Leave Tor's sessions feeling more at ease, with practical spiritual tools to navigate life's challenges and maintain your calm.

“Everything is temporary, and everything comes to an end. If it does not leave you, you will leave it.”

— Tor

  • The seeds of my spiritual journey were planted in my childhood, fostered by my grandmother, a clairvoyant medium. Her spiritual presence was a beacon, shaping my understanding of the world and my place in it. As I grew older, my innate connection with the spiritual realm intensified, guiding me back onto the path of spiritual wellness in full force.

    In my search for knowledge to enhance my life, I was blessed with mentors who saw my potential. Guided by my spiritual teacher, Ines Nicholson, since 2012, I've cultivated a strong spiritual practice that encompasses daily meditation, aura cleansing, chakra balancing, and communing with my spirit guides.

    This journey of exploration and self-realisation led me to establish the Esoteric Studies Institute. It's my joy to connect individuals - particularly those who wouldn't typically access services like ours - with the transformative power of spiritual experiences.

  • With six years of teaching group classes, I've had the privilege of bringing intuitive and restorative healing to diverse spaces. My approach, a unique blend of tarot reading, meditation, and energy healing, has helped countless individuals find calm, ease, and clarity in their lives.

    Beyond teaching, I also host spiritual well-being workshops and men's circles, extending the space for connection, healing, and community. Guided by my training as an energy healer, meditation guide, past life regression therapist, and coach, I strive to provide meaningful and transformative experiences for all.

  • Intuitive Calming Restorative.

    In each 50-minute session, I intuitively read your Tarot cards and guide you through a calming, healing meditation. This segues into hands-on energy healing, releasing blockages and negativity while invoking a sense of deep inner peace and clarity.

    At its core, my aim is to provide a safe and welcoming space for self-exploration and healing. I passionately believe in the potential of spiritual experiences to illuminate your path and empower you to make better decisions for your well-being. Whether you're new to spiritual healing or have been walking this path for a while, my classes offer a sanctuary of calm, transformation, and connection.

  • Growing up amidst chaos, I found solace in the spiritual realm, inspired largely by my grandmother's gift as a clairvoyant medium. I believe deeply in the transformative power of spiritual wellness – in our ability to find calm, ease, and clarity through intentional spiritual practices. My life's mission is to make these experiences accessible to everyone, even those who may feel like this is a realm beyond their reach. I aim to guide others to navigate life's challenges and enhance their well-being by raising their spiritual awareness and releasing negativity.

    My fascination lies in the impact of trauma on our bodies and how we can release it through our practices. It is a journey of self-discovery, and every step we take in healing ourselves helps us move closer to a life of harmony and peace. In every class, my goal is to provide a spiritual experience that connects you to the Spirit, an experience that offers you calm and clarity.

  • I believe that each day is an opportunity for growth and self-discovery, and I commit myself fully to this journey. My mornings usually begin with a 30-minute walk to connect with nature and ground my energy. I then transition into a 30-minute bodyweight movement practice, an amalgamation of yoga and primal movements, to awaken my physical body.

    I practice meditation twice daily, which has become the cornerstone of my daily routine. This practice incorporates breathwork, aura cleansing, chakra alignment, and communication with my Spirit guides to receive messages for navigating life.

    I also dedicate time to journaling, a practice that allows me to articulate and process my thoughts and emotions. This practice gives me deeper insights into myself and a clearer perspective on life's events. The philosophy behind my practices is a simple yet profound quote that I hold dear: "Everything is temporary, and everything comes to an end. If it does not leave you, you will leave it."

    With every practice, my intention remains the same: to nurture a greater sense of calm, ease, and clarity within and to carry these feelings throughout my day, radiating them to everyone I encounter.

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