Pauline O'Grady

Pauline O'Grady

Pauline O'Grady Angelic Reiki

Discover the Power of Angelic Reiki with Pauline.

Re:Heal - Angelic Reiki

  • Step into a sacred and safe space to receive the perfect healing energy from the Angelic Kingdom of Light and elevate your energy.

  • Learn about the transformative and life-changing benefits of Angelic Reiki and how it can guide you on your spiritual journey.

  • Receive the support and guidance you need to release old energetic, and karmic ties and experience a profound sense of freedom and ease in moving forward.

  • I am Pauline, a highly gifted Energy Master, Channel, Activator, Angelic Reiki Master Teacher, Massage Therapist, Yoga Teacher, Holistic Therapist, and Sacred Ceremony space holder. My journey towards healing started when I lost my love for my previous job as a Property Consultant. My soul and guides kept inviting me to fulfil my life purpose, which is to hold sacred and safe spaces for people to release trauma and guide them on their spiritual journeys.

    Angelic Reiki was the first pathway to giving healing, which has expanded to holding Cacao Ceremonies, teaching people Angelic Reiki and channelling themselves. I was born a gifted Channel and healer, and I started meditating with crystals at a very young age.

    My sister bought me my first book on Angels by Diana Cooper, which I loved, and I purchased my first Angel Oracle card deck. The Angel cards kept telling me I had a gift with Reiki, so I began learning and giving Angelic Reiki in 2012. This led me on a beautiful journey into Crystal Healing, becoming a yoga teacher, and where I am today.

  • I have been teaching group classes for 5 years now. My approach to my healing energy sessions is to connect energetically and be a pure conduit to receive messages and guidance for your highest good and sometimes in your spiritual journey. I have a special interest in all that I do, all of the people and places where I give and hold sacred space and circles. There is also a special place in my heart for working with gifted young people who sometimes find it hard inside their families and lives.

  • Uplifting Healing Peaceful.

    I create a very sacred and safe space for you to step into, breathe, relax and let go, so you can receive the perfect healing energy from the Angelic Kingdom of Light to elevate your energy. As a Channel, Activator, and High Energy Master, I am here for all people's spiritual and energetic growth so you can expand beyond what you feel or know is possible. We take a sacred journey together, releasing old energetic and karmic ties, so you experience a profound sense of freedom and ease in moving forwards. My goal when working with my clients is that people see themselves as divine beings and offer the tools to expand, grow and become the powerful, beautiful beings they are.

    Angelic Reiki is truly magical and can provide many profound shifts in people's lives. I haven't encountered anything that is as powerful, life-changing, and healing.

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