Mayra Ganzinotti

Mayra Ganzinotti

Journey to a Profound Stillness with Mayra

Crystal Bowls, Quantum Energy Healing

  • Get support in connecting with the silent sanctuary within you—a realm where divine stillness and your true essence reside.

  • Discover how to create space and stillness within, empowering you to awaken to your true potential and respond to life’s complexities with grace and wisdom.

"Love is the bridge between you and everything."

— Rumi

  • Hello, I'm Mayra, a sensitive, intuitive, and channeling sound healing teacher, as well as a Quantum Energy Healer and Flower & Vibrational Essences Practitioner. I invite you to embark on an unwinding path that brings together wisdom from the natural world, life's tapestry, and the celestial realms.

    My own healing journey began early on, with a fascination for the mysteries of life and the universe. Later, while working on a PhD focusing on art and sound, I shifted my attention towards sound healing as I noticed its profound impact on my own well-being, especially during times of anxiety and fear. My path has been one of reconnection, remembrance, and profound stillness, inspired by my grandfather's holistic practices and my own quest for deeper understanding.

  • With 4 years of experience leading group classes, I specialise in creating nurturing spaces that encourage profound healing and inner peace. My approach brings together my vast expertise in Quantum Alchemy Crystal Bowls, Vortex Divine Energy Healing, and Flower & Vibrational Essences, creating a deeply immersive and transformative experience for each participant.

  • Quantum Alchemy Crystal Bowl Practitioner Level 1, 2 & 3

    Advanced Practitioner of Flower & Vibrational Essences (BFVEA Accredited)

    Arcturus Quantum Healing Level 1 & 2 by Yantara Jiro

    Vortex Divine Energy Healing

    NAAD Yoga 200-hour Sound Meditation Teacher

    Breathwork & Pranayama

  • Expansive | Nurturing | Healing

    In my classes, I guide you through a fusion of sound, voice, presence, and silence, allowing you to connect with the divinity that you inherently possess. This experience takes you beyond the surface-level entanglements of life, inviting you to explore the depths of your soul. The class culminates in a space of profound stillness, a sanctuary where you can rediscover and celebrate your unique soul potential.

Book a class with Mayra: