Dirish Shaktidas

Dirish Shaktidas

Journey Within Through Chakra Energy Gong Meditation.

Re:Heal - Energy Healing + Gong

  • Experience an immersive meditation journey that melds ancient traditions with the demands of contemporary living.

  • Embark on a transformative journey to well-being through sound, mindfulness, and chakra alignment.

  • Dive into a transformative experience that combines sound healing and energy work to help you release tension, gain mental clarity, and elevate your well-being.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

— Mahatma Gandhi

  • My name is Dirish, and I specialise in energy-based healing practices. My work is a fusion of holistic medicine, energy healing, and spiritual alchemy. Growing up in a Hindu household, mantras and meditation were always part of my spiritual DNA. I took a life-changing trip to Southeast Asia when I felt lost in the fashion and design industry, discovering practices that not only healed me but aligned my life's purpose.

    I am passionate about astrology, personal growth, and movement, and I founded Euphoria Yoga & Dance trainings to share these integrated practices. My ultimate mission is to empower you through various mediums that the Art of Energy offers. I am particularly interested in chakras, inner child work, and working with POC.

  • With 15 years of teaching experience, my approach combines safety, love, expertise, and empowerment. The core of my teaching lies in facilitating transformative experiences, which harmonise your chakras and revitalise your spirit. I blend techniques from Reiki, Integrative Quantum Medicine, Shakti Yoga Dance, Evolutionary Astrology, and Human Design to create a unique, healing practice.

  • - Reiki - Level 1

    - Integrative Quantum Medicine - Level 1, 2 & 3

    - Shakti Yoga Dance - Level 1 & 2

    - Yin Yoga

    - Yoga Flow

    - Evolutionary Astrology

    - Human Design

  • Relaxing Releasing Rejuvenating

    My classes are designed to be a sanctuary where you can deeply relax, release pent-up tension, and rejuvenate your spirit. The Chakra Energy Gong Meditation class at Re:Mind offers a unique combination of sound healing and chakra work. I curate a safe and nurturing environment that allows each participant to embark on an individual yet interconnected journey.

Book a class with Dirish: