Christine Vogler

Christine Vogler

Christine Vogler

Crystal Bowls, Gong, VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing

  • Experience deep relaxation facilitated by the soothing sounds of therapeutic instruments and the subtle energies of VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing.

  • Christine's sound and healing classes offer the support you need to renew and recover from the challenges of busy London life.

  • My name is Christine, and I am a London-based holistic healing practitioner. I combine energy work with sound healing, VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing, Aura Soma consultations, and bodywork with reflexology and massage. My passion for sound healing began with a powerful experience with the alchemy crystal bowls. I felt a deep sense of home and knew that this was my calling. I began exploring different types of healing practices to deepen my understanding.

    My interest in wellness began in 2014 when I had an epiphany and realised that my life did not reflect my values and beliefs. Driven by societal standards and expectations, my reference points were distorted. This realisation kicked off a journey of undoing conditioned patterns and realigning with myself through different types of healing practices. I saw concrete results in my life, which made me passionate about sharing what I had learned with others.

  • I have been teaching group classes for six years, using intentions, affirmations, and sound frequencies or Vortex subtle energies to guide participants into deep relaxation, work through energy blockages, and journey to the self. I specialise in helping people dealing with performance-oriented lifestyles and finding meaning in life. Having worked in banking for 17 years, I understand the impact of experienced pressure, limiting performance frameworks, and work-life balance on overall health and well-being.

  • Quantum Alchemy Crystal Bowls Practitioner (level 3)

    Crystal Sonic Therapy (level 3)

    Gong Master Practitioner

    Vortex Divine Energy Healing (level Omega)

    Arcturus Quantum Healer (Arcturus Uplift Program)

    Aura Soma Practitioner

    Reflexology (level 3 ITEC)

    Massage therapy (level 3 ITEC)

    Yoga teacher (Ashtanga Vinyasa, Yin, Mandala Vinyasa; >500 hours)

  • Relaxing Replenishing Healing

    My classes are focused on creating a safe space for my students to reconnect with themselves and the divine. I believe that relaxation is essential to promote general well-being and longevity, and my approach to healing is rooted in self-empowerment and directed intention.

    During my classes, I use sound frequencies or Vortex subtle energies to guide participants into a deep state of relaxation, where they can work through any energy blockages and journey to the self. I also use affirmations and intentions to help my students focus their attention and manifest their desired outcomes.

Book a class with Christine: