Cat Stevens

Cat Stevens

Discover the Healing Power of Somatic Energy with Cat

Somatic Energy Healing

  • Drop into deep relaxation and repair trauma imprints through gentle somatic techniques.

  • Learn about the body's innate healing capacity and how to regulate your nervous system.

  • Receive the support you need to connect with yourself and the natural world around you.

  • Nourish your mind, body, and spirit with the transformative power of somatic energy healing.

  • My name is Cat, and I have always had an innate connection with the natural world and an ability to communicate with unseen forces. As a child, I spent time in the woodland behind my home communicating with the natural world, and this sparked my deep connection with nature. Over the years, I discovered that aligning the wisdom of the body with the natural world is the key to living a harmonious life in good health.

    After experiencing debilitating skin rashes that modern medicine could not explain, I turned to shamanic healing over 20 years ago. Within a couple of sessions with a shamanic practitioner, I was restored to a state of balance, and the rashes disappeared for good. Since then, I have immersed myself in the world of plant spirit medicine, conscious sexuality, and nature immersion and discovered the Andean mystical tradition.

    My training and certificates include Alchemical Alignment, Body Poem, Viking Cosmology & Healing Methods, Sexological Bodywork, and Wiroqocha Foundation Facilitator Training, to name a few. My most recent training, Alchemical Alignment, has deepened my ability to hold space for trauma imprints and nervous system regulation in order to help the system deepen back to the blueprint of health that is always available underneath all imprints.

  • As a deeply sensitive and intuitive healer, my sessions aim to explore your somatic landscape with attuned care and compassion. I create a space that encourages enough curiosity for the body to feel safe and to be met in its multidimensionality through gentle inquiry. The intention is to meet and metabolize trauma imprints, unresolved patterns of the nervous system, and unmet needs, including ancestral, past-life, interpersonal, inner child, and soul, whilst deepening your connection with your spirit and ancestral allies.

    Through expanded awareness and capacity, a deeper embodiment of self and spirit is attainable. In my sessions, I aim to restore the nervous system to a state of balance and harmonic flow, digest and compost unmetabolised trauma imprints, repair and restore boundaries, transform resistance into resilience, and integrate the exiled parts that have been pushed away for survival. My sessions aim to move out of threat responses and into a deeper connection with the wider living system of the world.

  • Alchemical Alignment: Bodywork For Trauma Resolution & The Embodiment Of Spirit with Brigit Viksnins, 2021-2022.

    Embodied Ethics with The Institute For Erotic Intelligence, 2022.

    Like A Pro, Wheel Of Consent with Dr. Betty Martin, 2021.

    Body Poem with Katie Sarra. UK, 2020.

    Viking Cosmology & Healing Methods with Chrystelle Hadjikakou, 2020.

    Sexological Bodywork with The Sea School Of Embodiment. UK, 2020-2021.

    Wiroqocha Foundation Facilitator Training with Elizabeth B Jenkins. Hawaii, 2019

    Andean Spirituality - Theory & Practice with Juan & Ivan Nunez Del Prado. Ireland, 2018

    Hatun Qarpay – A 10-day initiation in the Sacred Valley, Peru with Elizabeth B Jenkins, 2017.

    Rahanni Celestial Healing with Carole Stacey. UK, 2016

    Shamanic training with Sungate. UK, 2015-18

    BA Media Studies & Photography, Sheffield Hallam University, 1996-1999

  • Gentle intuitive holistic.

    My classes provide a place for deep exploration of the somatic landscape with attuned care and compassion. We create a space that encourages curiosity for the body to feel safe and to be met in its multidimensionality through gentle inquiry. My teaching style focuses on the deepening of your connection with your spirit and ancestral allies, aiming to restore balance and harmony to the nervous system.

    Through expanded awareness and capacity, a deeper embodiment of self and spirit is attainable. My sessions aim to restore balance to the nervous system, transform resistance into resilience, and integrate the exiled parts that have been pushed away for survival. My teaching style aims to move out of threat responses and into a deeper connection with the wider living system of the world and cultivate a deeper sense of self who has a more connected feeling of belonging in the world.

Book a class with Cat: