Breige Corr Coward

Breige Corr Coward

Feel Connected and Nurtured With Breige

Re:Sound Crystal Bowls

  • Connect with yourself through the healing sounds of crystal bowls.

  • Get nurturing and caring support on your own path to wellness and healing.

  • Drop into rest, ground your body with your breath, and feel comfortable and connected in a welcoming and safe environment.

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

— Leonard Cohen

  • I'm Breige, a certified Alchemy Crystal Bowl Practitioner with a deep passion for sound healing. I started my journey with just one sound bowl that I integrated into my yoga practice. Since then, I've become certified after studying the medicine of sound. I specialise in working with the seasons, five element theory, and I devote a lot of my time to working with emotions held in certain body areas. My goal as a teacher is to help people connect with themselves, others, and the planet.

  • I've had the opportunity to work with The Barbican and artist Soheila Sokhanvari to create an immersive experience that connects with her feminist iconography. In addition to my sound healing practice, I'm also a certified yoga teacher. However, my focus is on sound healing and creating a welcoming and safe environment for my clients to heal and connect.

  • Soulful Embodied Connected

    My teaching style is soothing, immersive, and welcoming. I strive to create a warm and safe environment where clients can drop into rest, work with their own breath to anchor and ground the body, and feel comfortable and connected. I know that it takes courage to show up to a class and to create space for your own healing, so I do my best to make everyone feel at ease.

Book a class with Breige: