Almira Alidon

Almira Alidon

Almira Alidon Tibetan Bowls

Experience the Healing Power of Sound with Almira

Tibetan Bowls

  • Discover gentle, expansive, and transformative Sound Healing classes.

  • Connect to the Earth and Sky with Vedic practices and Mantras.

  • Allow yourself to feel okay with whatever comes up for you during a session.

“The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.”

— Rumi

  • My name is Almira, and I have been on a spiritual journey for many years. I came to the realisation that wellbeing and healing were important in my early 20s when I started processing a lot. The nature of life means there will always be something we need to navigate or work on. I began practising Sound Healing and Meditation after experiencing profound shifts in these settings and with my own practices.

  • I have been teaching group classes for 3 years, and my goal when working with clients is to guide them to their own resource of understanding or release (body, mind, emotional, or energetic, spiritual). I want to allow them to feel okay with whatever comes up for them during a session. There's no ideal experience to have. It's noticing what's important and working with what you need to.

  • Sound facilitation, Breath coach, Life coach and Meditation Teacher Qualifications

  • My classes can be described in three words: Gentle, Expansive, Transformative.

    I find a lot of peace in Vedic practices and Mantras. Connecting to Earth and Sky is an energetic, centring, and powerful practice. My special interest is immersive well-being retreats based around the elements of nature.

Book a class with Almira: