Aisha Carrington

Aisha Carrington

Aisha Carrington Meditation

Discover the Power of Self-Love and Spirituality with Aisha

Angelic Reiki

  • Connect with your inner self and cultivate a positive mind-body-spirit connection through self-love practices.

  • Experience the transformative power of meditation, sound baths, and loving mantras to tap out of the matrix of life and connect with a higher dimension of love and inner peace.

  • Join Aisha's classes infused with soul and R&B music and the guidance of archangels to connect with your higher self and find relaxation, deep inner peace, love, and happiness.

  • I am Aisha, and my joy is to bring diversity into the wellness industry in a truly heart-centred way. My journey started when I was in a deep depression in 2015 and developed complex PTSD in 2017.

    Throughout the years, I leaned on my spiritual practices of meditation, yoga, reiki, and self-love practices to help me stay alive. This reignited my self-love journey back to myself. I believe and teach that loving yourself can truly transform your life and allows miracles. I desire to enlighten anyone who would like to embark on a journey of self-love, spirituality, and meditation to cultivate a positive inner connection to the mind, body and spirit.

  • I have been on this healing journey for many years. I have found that spirituality is a powerful tool for transformation. I encourage people to find what lights them up and build on their individual toolbox from there. Whether it's dancing, running, writing, singing, or just finding moments to laugh or cry, these, to me, are all self-love. I believe that leaning into spirituality isn't for everyone, but self-care and time to process emotions is for us all. I have also found that protecting and cleansing my energy is essential, and I have created unique methods to help others do the same.

  • Vibrant Soulful Uplifting

    My teachings are infused with soul and R&B music, along with the help from the archangels to guide me to lovingly help people to connect to their higher self to find relaxation, deep inner peace, love, and happiness. I want to be a lighthouse that guides you to get high on your own supply of inner loving. My classes are heart-centred, transformative, and joyful. I use various methods such as meditation, vision movies, sound baths, and loving mantras to help my students tap out of the matrix of life and connect to a higher dimension of love and letting go. Meditation helps all three - the mind, body, and soul to manifest, and it's my vehicle to level up, heal, and connect to my centre.

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